Backup Engine Fixed
June 29th, 2008 by Walt "The Skipper" JonesWe spent today on a mooring, and were able to fix our “get home” drive (backup engine) and reorganized our living area. We met the nicest couple (Donnie & Marilyn) who saw us, queried “Geraldine”on the internet, hit the website and then contacted us! Donnie helped with the fuses that fixed the get home motor. We presented Donnie with a pound of Peets coffee; our reward for a special encounter. This is the second such presentation of the trip.
We also got the high-frequency email to work, though I wouldn’t claim to be an expert yet. Next is to get the weather fax working. I also want to connect my Macbook to the Raymarine network on the boat; so far it hasn’t worked.
June 30th, 2008 at 5:33 pm
Dear Walt and Kip,
What a wonderful gift you have given to all of us in allowing us to track with you on this trip. It is a joy to see your pictures. It sure personalizes our prayers.
Blessings in Christ, Bill and Linda
July 1st, 2008 at 10:18 am
Hi Kip and Walt,How wonderful to hear you are realizing your dream!!Thank you for sharing with us all,and know many prayers are sent your way daily!PS:great news from PCLG:Martin Smith has been called to a church in SO.Cal,and Jon Scanlon to a church in Mississippi!Blessings toyou and your whole CREW! Mike and Pat Moore
July 1st, 2008 at 12:26 pm
Hi to you all, it is so neat to follow your travels and see these great pictures. Praying each day for you all. Have a wonderful time and know you are lifted up to the Lord. Love in Him, Weegi
July 1st, 2008 at 5:39 pm
I know you will meet many people on this journey, but peope who can help you must really be appreciated.
I’d love to “pop in with a pie”, but will keep in touch as best I can.
I pray for your success and well being.
Grandpa Single