Another great day in Baddeck

July 8th, 2008 by Walt "The Skipper" Jones

We have found a great place and are eager to stay, while we go through all the boat systems. There is a wonderful cooperative approach where I can do some of the repairs with their supervision and expertise. Today we completed going through the fuel manifolds for all tanks, just to be sure all lines are clear. I rebuilt the head in the master stateroom. We are waiting for a refrigeration specialist from Sidney and expect him tomorrow AM. The temperature in the refrigerator is 50 degrees and 8 in the freezer.  If all goes well tomorrow we will be off to Newfoundland on Thursday.

Tonight Kip invited John to dinner after he helped me work on the head all day. She made green chile & pork & it was delicious. Well, no sooner did we start,  John’s friend Robert showed up. He was introduced as the mayor; whether he really is or not I don’t know. He ate too and we had a great time hearing stories about Cape Breton Island. They explained that National Geographic says this island is the third prettiest in the world, but they couldn’t say which other two were better. I am not sure I can tell you either! Tomorrow Robert is going to get lobsters and we’ll have a BIG time tomorrow night, for sure. No leaving tomorrow. It is no surprise for us to say that the people here are the greatest.

We have plenty of time before meeting our crew in Corner Brook and want the boat in top shape before heading into the arctic. I am really glad Kip and I have another leg to check things out one more time. 

Kip ran 5 loads of laundry on the boat. That little washer/dryer really works well, but the “permanent press” cycle leaves something to be desired – a young person’s special….

We appreciate hearing from you all and are glad you are enjoying the site and our “running away from home”… Thanks to our sons Scott & Randy for making this communication with you all possible.

2 Responses to “Another great day in Baddeck”

  1. Marcie Bowerman Says:

    What a delight to follow your trip. I pray that all of the repairs make Geraldine ship shape and seaworthy for the Arctic waters. Not only am I getting to know more about the Jones family, but I’m learning new geography in a part of God’s creation that I’d never investigated. Gotta admit my mouth is watering for the “lobstah.” Stay healthy and I’m praying for you all. Thanks to Scott and Randy for the terrific website. Marcie B.

  2. Randy Jones Says:

    Thanks should go especially to Scott. He is a genius.

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