Farewell Nunavut.
Hello Northwest Territories
August 23rd, 2008 by Kip "Galley Master" Jones
(69º 48.78′ N, 121º 52.77′ W — Keat’s Point) Tonight we are almost due north of our home in Los Gatos. We got email today! We tried a SSB connection through Friday Harbor, Washington, [ed. the radio communicates over vast distances to antenna stations scattered around the globe] and made our best connection in days. The harbor we are stopped in is beautiful; low lying cliffs of rock on two sides with a beach in the middle. It will be nice having a chance to sleep quietly for the night. We have been running since Wednesday and today were in very rough seas again for most of the day.
About 3:00 am Walt and saw a cargo ship coming toward us and hailed them on the radio. They are on their way to St. John, Newfoundland. Later in the day we thought we saw two sail boats and hailed them twice on our radio with no response. Turns out they were unmelted ice on the shore! Rather cold and unresponsive! We had Arctic Char sandwiches for lunch which was like tuna only better. Then we had char again for dinner. It is simply delicious. We had a problem with water accumulating on the V berth floor. Turns out the anchor locker weep holes were plugged with mud and a little sleuth and plumber work on Shane’s behalf and we are all cleaned out.
Editor’s Note: We are trying to organize a crew change. Kip needs to get home to lead her BSF class, so she’s planning to fly out in a week or so. In searching for a replacement crew member, we drew a name out of a hat containing all the people who have commented on the site. The winner is… Ed Wright. Ed will be joining the Geraldine at either Prudhoe Bay or Point Barrow. In conversation with the crew, they’ve mentioned the weather has not been as placid as they’d like. With wave reaching 15 feet, the largest of the trip, a fresh set of eyes and hands will be welcome. Thank you Ed!
Double Editor’s Note: Due to a severe drop-off in website comments, I thought I’d make it clear: we didn’t draw Ed out of a hat, his joining the crew was pre-arranged. Comment away without fear!
******Here are pictures from 8/22 you might enjoy seeing!*****
You can see Keats Point at sunset and then again in the morning the next day. The chain picture is of the chain locker weep hole plugged with mud and thus the water leak all over the V-berth floor.
August 23rd, 2008 at 10:10 pm
Will Ed be able to replace Kip as chief chef for the crew or has Kip taught all the rest of you how to make bread so you can fend for yourself? I know I wouldn’t want to step into her shoes. Although Randy did a stellar job on Quinlan’s baptism day so I suspect there are alternatives there.
I keep watching the progress and am happy you’re coming around to the West coast. Fran
August 24th, 2008 at 6:31 pm
Hey Pat and Company! Wow… what a great trip. I wish that my name would have gotten drawn for the crew switch… but I can rejoice with Ed. Keep up the journals… they are fantastic.
August 25th, 2008 at 1:11 pm
A lot of us in the office thought you picked our “Ed Wright”. But reading another entry we see you have two friends by the same name.
August 26th, 2008 at 5:22 pm
CityTeam’s Ed Wright said that 3 people asked him if he was THE Ed Wright that was coming on board. He’s standing by…just in case. Walt…I have Tri-Tip sandwiches on order from “High 5 Pizza” for the crew when you get back. A little different than the U.S.S. Nimitz ?
August 27th, 2008 at 4:53 am
8/27/08 I’m now caught up with you, again.
I havn’t kept up with the mumber of large commercial vessels that you have seen. My recolection is that there have not been many. Someday, the trip may be hazardus due to commercial boats, say a 300 footer vs a 49 footer (which has the “right of way” which is probably not followed). I think I would rather dodge icebergs, true ??
Randy, you must be in costant touch with your folks, as your news is so well informen and interesting. Keep your journal going, please !!
I particularly liked the picture of Walt and Kip in the older reports. It is a keeper !!
And this way of communicating is so easy (and pleasant). RAndy gets another ATTABOY !!