Nipped at Tuk

August 24th, 2008 by Randy Jones

(69.4° N 133.0° W — Tuktoyaktuk, NWT) Editor’s Note: I got a satellite phonecall from the crew this afternoon. They were in the midst of an embarrassing “situation.” There are two entrances to the harbor at Tuk (Tuktoyaktuk), one for big boats, and one for small boats. The crew decided they were small, and paid for it by running aground just outside the harbor. During the call, a local was attempting to pull them off with his boat. It didn’t work. A Coast Guard boat in the area will swing by to pull them off in an hour or so. They will get into the harbor eventually, they will get to upload pictures, and they will get gas… er, diesel. They’ve been running in smooth, but shallow water for the last 36 hours—about 15 feet deep all day. Kip also reported the land is now covered with green grass. Very exciting to see color again! The water and air are both about 50ºF. Looking forward to seeing those photos!

3 Responses to “Nipped at Tuk”

  1. Kathy Robertson Says:

    O.K. crew, no more hanging out in the harbor at Tuk! I spoke with Pat this morning and he said your evening was pretty exciting–aground overnight! I’m thankful that the Canadian Coast Guard is resourceful and diligent. It is amazing how helpful everyone has been–locals and local authorities–it is just another demonstration of God’s grace and protection for you all on this trip. Hope to hear that you are headed west to Alaska this evening. Blessings to you all, Kathy

  2. Audrey Brown Says:

    Hey there Geraldine crew! I have missed a few days and I see you are past the ice and headed south, that is if you quit hanging out at bars! Kip better get back to BSF!
    How exciting! Congratulations on making through! Sometimes when I woke in the night I wondered if you all needed prayer protection from ice bergs! No more! I look forward to seeing all the wildlife photos!

  3. Tom Gutshall Says:

    I guess the next prayer requests will be for deeper water or a new depth-finder for the boat? To think that you dodged all that ice but found the bottom at Tuk!! Hopefully you are now afloat and getting ready for the run to home. Prayers for smooth seas, calm winds and a fresh water system that continues to produce 30 gallons a day. As for Artic Char, I spent three days on the ice off Baffin Island and that was all we had to eat. Although it really is delicious, it does grow old after a couple of days or so.

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