Whew! Cambridge Bay
August 19th, 2008 by Kip "Galley Master" Jones(69 deg 06.8′ N, 105 deg 03.6′ W) We just arrived at the city dock at 12:45 am and are ready to fall into bed. We made water today with the new parts and it all seems to be fine so far. It was a mostly sunny day with calm seas in the afternoon finally. The sunset took two hours and was so beautiful as was the moon rising. The picture during the sunset that looks like ice bergs is a mirage and not real. The satellite pictures say we are completely out of the ice now. We will find internet access in the morning and get caught up with pictures. Shane said Rebecca is excited because they are both in the same longitude now! There is a storm brewing east of us, but if we are headed west in the next 30 hours we are predicted to miss most of it. Good night!
Next morning: A local office invited us to use their internet so I am going to quick send the photos to add to the site. We slept until 8:30 this morning and are feeling better from the late night and several days of traveling in shifts. Pat and Shane went on a walkabout and came back with some groceries and souvenirs. We were warned to leave a person on the boat as children who are so curious will climb all over your boat and take their own souvenirs if you are not there. We saw that level of couriosity back at Nain in Labrador, but not here in Cambridge Bay. Anyway, I am here to get my job done and get a peek at town. All of us want to get to the site to see the comments which are like getting mail. We read them together and have a good time connecting with home!
Editor’s Note: Check back as far as 8/14 for photo updates
August 20th, 2008 at 8:09 am
What a dramatic adventure for the four of you and how gracious of you to share it with us from the comfort of our homes. Those of us “back home” will never be able to fully appreciate how close you are to the LORD through the awesome majesty of this part of his creation.
(Last week Becky had her gall bladder removed and this week she is in Detroit checking out our almost 1 year old youngest grandson)
It is a privilege for those of us reading the website to be praying for your safety many times each day.
August 20th, 2008 at 8:31 am
You are doing great; however, you have not made it until you make it when you are sailing into rougher seas in the Beaufort Sea. The long haul around Alaska will be a real test of crew and boat. Get your rest. You will need it. Hang tough!
Thanx for Lat. and Log. It really helps.
August 20th, 2008 at 4:03 pm
Hi Mike, the challenges are definitely not done. My understanding is that they will just change from being ice-related to weather-related. The Beaufort Sea and Bearing Sea have pretty nasty reputations, so I’m sure our adventures are taking nothing for granted. Still, it’s almost like they’ve crossed the continental divide. Before they made it to Cambridge Bay, there was always the fear that they’d have to turn back East because of the ice. Now going West is the better path of retreat, and conveniently, also the goal. — oh, and sorry I forgot the coordinates last time, I’ll try to remember!