Safe off Kodiak Island

September 14th, 2008 by Walt "The Skipper" Jones

After running all night under a nearly full moon and moderate seas we are off Cape Grant, SW corner of Kodiak Island. We are tired but all is well.

2 Responses to “Safe off Kodiak Island”

  1. Jay Barrett Says:

    Welcome to Kodiak Island!

    If you’re sailing by or pulling into the city of Kodiak, my radio station would be interested in doing a story about your journey. You can contact me at jay.barrett(at), or at 907-486-6397.


    Jay Barrett
    News Director
    KMXT – Kodiak

  2. Kip "Galley Master" Jones Says:

    Walt called tonight on his cell phone, the first time in many weeks to have coverage again. He said they were about thirteen miles from Kodiak and expected to be there before dark. He said he had talked to Scott via cell and Raime had walked the dock in Kodiak, found a fisherman who had an octopus and she got some pictures! We will have to have her write a post from her impressions and put up her pictures! Walt said they saw at least 20 whales today and had another good day enjoying beautiful scenery. He mentioned seeing trees. We stopped seeing trees in Labrador outside of Nain months ago!

    I am flying to Kodiak in the morning and will help them finish the trip to Sitka. 🙂

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