Crew arrives!

July 15th, 2008 by Kip "Galley Master" Jones

Walt borrowed Gavin’s car and picked up Pat, Shane and Skip who all arrived within an hour of each other at Deer Lake Airport. They unloaded their things and we ate a pasta dinner together. What fun to see them all and share the excitement of starting out together tomorrow.  The tanks are full and we have all the food we can carry so we are ready.  

However the refrig is not fixed.  The compressor arrived without a strategic part so the mechanic was unable to fix it.  It keeps at 8 degrees in the freezer and 50 in the main box so we are making ice and using the two coolers.  Quite soon we will have all the ice we need for our coolers!  🙂

So we are planning an early start in the morning!  Wednesday is supposed to be clear and sunny.


10 Responses to “Crew arrives!”

  1. Linda Says:

    Hi dear friends!
    We are having so much fun following your adventure! We continue to pray for you. Your are getting to see so much of God’s awesome creation. Blessing on the next leg of the journey. Kip, you hav quite a crew to feed!

  2. Mike and Cathy Brickley Says:

    Love your matching hats!!! Have a great trip!! We are praying for you guys. Kip ought to have you all trained by the time you reach Alaska!! 🙂

    Love, Mike and Cathy

  3. Michael Pounds Says:

    Glad the rest of the crew arrived..happy sailing together.We are praying for you all!

    The Pounds

  4. Randy Jones Says:

    I hope all those shorts have zip-on legs!

  5. blair Says:

    goooooooo shane! 🙂

  6. Marcie Bowerman Says:

    Praying for God’s protection and a jolly good time! Guess I should pray for lots of long pants too! MarcieB.

  7. David (Skip's B-in-Law) Says:

    Of all the possible malfunctions to have in the Arctic Circle, I’d certainly pick refrigeration over heat. Pictures are great. Keep ’em coming and bon voyage.

  8. john peacock Says:

    I’m excited that Randy turned me on to the best reality show of the summer. Looking forward to seeing how long Mr. J can last before being voted off the boat by the rest of the crew 🙂

  9. Charlotte Coulter Says:

    Thanks so much for letting us share in your wonderful adventure !!! The pictures are great… Your crew looks like they are having fun, so far.. You make ’em work hard, Kip. Don’t let any of them slack off…

    You are in our prayers daily. What an awesome opportunity to see God’s beautiful creation.

    I hope we can get Walt back in an office again. This wanderlust could get habit forming…..

    God bless each and every one of you.

  10. Chuck Single Says:

    What a good loking crew !! Walt, it looks to me that you’ve picked winners. And all of them seem “ready to go”.

    I’d love to “pop in with a pie” and get to know them in person.

    Randy, this is the best website ever !! It is such fun to keep up with the Jones’s.

    Fabulus !!

    Grandpa Single

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