Turning left, going North!

August 3rd, 2008 by Walt "The Skipper" Jones

8:00am Sunday morning, and a good Sabbath to everyone. At the end of the day (beginning?) we turned left to follow the routing suggested by the Canadian Ice Service to Pond Inlet. The decision came down to the ice report for the opening of the way through mostly open water (bergy) and that the water maker loss is not a safety issue. It is a nuisance and very inconvenient, but the damage caused by the water intrusions have been repaired or worked around. We will work on shipping in more parts to Pond Inlet.

Kip & I are on watch while Shane & Pat are getting some much needed sleep amidst fog with approximately half a mile visibility and the sun trying to break trough overhead. I was on watch over the “dark” night and it was like a sunset the whole time with the sun just below the horizon! Everyone is in pretty good spirits. Pray for that as well as no more failures.

The pictures show an iceberg on the horizon, how they look when we first spot them.  Also you can see how they show up on the radar. The rings are set at two miles out so the one on the left, in the picture, is five miles away and the one on the right, in the picture, is eight miles away.

One Response to “Turning left, going North!”

  1. Lyla Nichols Says:

    We’ve been praying for your decision on turning left or right and that you would get clear diretion. We went to the mountains this weekend to cool off. There was a quote on the wall of the hotel as we checked in that made me think of all of you and this trip–‘Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go’ I’m glad your journey is continuing onward.

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