Shishaldin volcano views
Wednesday, September 10th, 2008(54 deg 41.5′ N, 163 deg 05.5W) We are underway; Shane is driving and we are seeing incredible scenery on Unimak Island. In clear view we see Shishaldin volcano, a snow-covered peak 9372′ above sea level with steam coming out of the top just in front of us. Next to that is a twin peak mountain 8135′ high call Isanotski Peaks, locally known as “Rugged Jack” (must be the American name.) We feel privileged to see these as the U.S. Coast Pilot tells us that they are cloud covered most of the time. The water is emerald green when shallow and dark blue when deep. Because it has been windy white froth has been whipped up on the water. Fortunately, so far the wind has been on our quarter or behind us.
In the past two days we have seen an incredible number of birds including hundreds of Puffins. Puffins are great and so funny to watch. They are skitterish and “run away”, walking on water while looking back at you. Because their beaks are orange and so are their feet, combined with a straight wing, it is sometimes hard to tell which way they are going. They don’t really fly much but with the aid of a head wind, they can.
Ed solo’d today (VFR) and did a really good job. There is a lot to learn (and constantly look at) to effectively run the boat. He is “earning” his bunk!
9:30 PM We are now safely at anchor in East Anchor Cove on the Ikatan Peninsula. We had a good day, but it is still a long run to Kodiak. Please pray for calm seas and a favorable current.